MFMA > Publications and Media Releases > Section 71 Information (In-year Management, Monitoring and Reporting): > 2015/16 > 1st Quarter > Documents > SDBIP Performance Q1 > Excel
EC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16.xls
EC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
FS Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16 KM.xls
FS Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16 KMUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
GT Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16.xls
GT Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
KZ Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16 KG.xls
KZ Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16 KGUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
LP Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16.xls
LP Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
MP Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16.xls
MP Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:39 PMElsabe Rossouw
NC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16.xls
NC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:40 PMElsabe Rossouw
NW Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16).xls
NW Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16)Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:40 PMElsabe Rossouw
WC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16(Kgothatso).xls
WC Q1 Performance Indicators Master File - NT - 2015_16(Kgothatso)Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
12/9/2015 1:40 PMElsabe Rossouw
